更新:2025-02-03 08:00 编号:9838170 发布IP: 浏览:92次- 发布企业
- 江苏省广分检测技术有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:江苏广分检测技术有限公司组织机构代码:91320594MA1Y2C3P7A
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- 阻燃等级、耐火时间、烟毒性
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- 江苏省昆山市陆家镇星圃路12号智汇新城B区7栋
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- 18662582269
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- 18662582269
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EN 12467 水泥纤维板CE认证及测试服务 EN 12467 Fibre-cement Board CECertificate and Testing Services
Key words: 水泥纤维板CE认证, 水泥纤维板测试报告, 厦门, EN 12467
根据欧盟建筑产品法规305/2011/EU CE-CPR,水泥纤维板用于室内外墙板或天花吊顶成品可根据EN12467标准进行CE认证及相关测试。
EN12467 Fibre-cement flat sheets—Product specification and testmethods
根据使用场合的不同,可以采用System 1, System 3或System 4
Tolerance on length and width 长,宽公差
Tolerance on thickness 厚度公差
Straightness of edges 边直度
Squareness of sheet 边方度
Apparent density 表观密度
Bending strength弯曲强度(潮湿状、室温状)
Water impermeability for Categories A,B,D 水渗透性
Water vapour permeability for Category D 水蒸气渗透
Freeze-thaw for Categories A,B,D 冻融循环
Heat-rain for Categories A,B 耐候(湿热)
Warm water for Categories A,B,C,D 热雨性能
Soak-dry for Categories 干湿循环
Reaction to fire 防火等级(EN13501-1)
Release of dangerous substances 有害物质
2013年7月1日起,欧盟建筑产品法规305/2011/EU CPR开始实施,并取代欧盟建筑产品指令89/106/EECCPD。
System 1+ product certification comprising the issuing of acertificate of constancy of performance with determination of theproduct-type, continuous surveillance and audit testing by anotified product certification body
System 1 product certification comprising the issuing of aconstancy of performance with determination of the product-type andcontinuous surveillance by a notified product certificationbody
System 2+ factory production control certification withcontinuous surveillance by a notified factory production controlcertification body
System 3 determination of product type by a notified testinglaboratory
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